Firehole- Novice fisherman are having great success on the Firehole River with white miller caddis and Jacklin's emerging white caddis. Reports of incredible hatches of white caddis are coming off in the late mornings and evenings. It is very hard to beat this kind of dry fly fishing in the park.
Gibbon River- The Gibbon River has been an excellent choice for passing fisherman seeking to fish for aggressive browns. These browns can been seen sipping in the late mornings, but more steadily in the evenings. Jacklin's rusty spinner in a size 14 works well in the meadows above the falls. In the faster water, small stimulator patterns behind rocks and logs should produce browns in numbers.
Madison- When you get the opportunity to fish the Madison on a sunny day, don't pass it up. Size 14 rusty spinners and white miller caddis are rising healthy trout from deep holes. PMD's have also been hatching in the late mornings from 10:30-11:30. Yellow Sallys are still emerging mid day and early evenings.
Yellowstone Lake- The best fishing on Yellowstone Lake continues to be from a boat or float tube, but many fisherman are reporting catching sizable cuts off sandy shores. Large orange and black woolly buggers have been working well for those who can cast with some distance. Also, gold jakes and silver spoons are luring trout from shore and boat.
Lamar Valley- The Lamar valley is still blown out from runoff. It isn't recommended for fishing just yet.
Gallatin- Nymphs have been just about the only way to fish the Gallatin river as of lately. The water is still a little cloudy below Taylor's fork, and the entire river continues to be one of the coldest. Big slamonfly nymphs, copper johns, and lightning bugs are catching strong trout in slow pockets of water.
Hebgen Lake- On calm days, midges are sporatically hatching. Broad rainbows and browns can be seen sipping these midges all throughout the lake. Sizes of 16 or 18 midge patterns should rise the fish. Below the surface, size 16 chronomids in red and green will work. When the trout aren't rising, try stripping a woolly bugger near the shoreline's dropoff. Casting gold panther martins from the shore are also catching big browns.
Between the Lakes- Orange and yellow stimulators continue to work well mid day or late evening. Caddis are also beginning to hatch in the evenings, so a size 14 tan or brown elk hair caddis should do the trick. Jacklin's salmonfly nymph is a great pattern to use below the surface along with copper johns and prince nymphs.
Below Quake Lake- Caddis are hatching in numbers in the evenings, a size 14 brown elk hair caddis or iris caddis will tempt many of the wonderful trout in this stretch. The salmonflys are currently just below Varney bridge and many browns are looking for the big bug.
Henry's Lake- Fish are still scattered throughout the lake for the most part, and won't begin congregating near cooler water until the weather warms up. Large woolly buggers are working great in the early mornings and late evenings. When the sun begins to rise, a size 12 bead headed olive or brown woolly bugger attracts the cuts with the extra movement it provides. The weeds are still down, so trollers continue to have luck with large woolly buggers and spoons.
-Dillon Given
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Salmonflys Moving Up
Posted by Bob Jacklins Fly Shop at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Salmonfly Hatch Around the Corner
Yellowstone National Park
Firehole- There is not a better time to be on the Firehole River than now. Rainbows and browns are actively rising to white miller caddis and soft hackles when the caddis hatch is coming off. Some fish can still be caught stripping a woolly bugger, but the best action is without a doubt on the surface.
Gibbon-The water is clear and easily accessible for those wishing to get into some fun brown trout fishing. Small stimulators have proven productive to the average fisherman, but the Jacklin's rusty spinner in a size 14 or 16 has been the go to fly when nothing else is working. Look for rising fish to cast to in the evenings along the shoreline.
Madison-The salmonflys have already ran through the park this year, but a select few will still eat the big dry salmonfly. Small attractors work well in the mornings and evenings along with basic nymphs. A great combination is a royal wulff or yellow stimulator with a prince or copper bob underneath it.
Yellowstone- We continue to hear reports of people catching a few sizable cutthroat off the shorelines of Yellowstone lake. The best access by far is by boat, but dont feel discouraged if the shore is your only way of fishing. Orange, black, and olive woolly buggers have been the best in the early mornings and late evenings. The fishing will typically slow down mid day. Gold Jakes spinners have also caught fish near the lake's drop off.
Lamar Valley--We have received very few reports from the lamar valley, and they have all said the rivers are still blown out for a couple more weeks.
Hebgen-Hatches of midges have been coming off in the mornings and evenings lately. Healthy trout can be caught on the surrface with various midge patterns in sizes of 18 or 20. Stripping black or rusty woolly buggers in front of the cruising fish currently seems to be the best way to fish the lake. Trollers are having luck fishing with rapala's and large spoons.
Madison Between the Lakes- Fishing seems to have slowed down slightly between the lakes, but trout are still being caught on both drys and nymphs. Copper Bob's, rock worrms, and flashback pheasant tails have been working great below the surface. Large parachute adams and various caddis immitations have brought rainbows and browns up to sip your fly.
Below Quake This section has been relatively slow mid day, but is really picking up in the last 45-30 minutes of daylight. Size 12 orange stimulators and 14 royal wulfs are rising nice 18 inch browns. Serendipities and Jacklin's salmonfly nymph are also steadily catching fish. The water flow is at 705 3ft/sec and the water discharge is clear.
Henry's Lake-Fisherman are consistently catching fish in the mornings and evenings, just not in great numbers. Size 6 woolly buggers of all colors have been working in the late evenings and early mornings. When the sun begins to rise, a size 10 or 12 bead headed woolly bugger seems to attract hungry cuts. Trollers are having success trolling spoons, jakes, and woolly buggers.
Posted by Bob Jacklins Fly Shop at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Dry Fly Season
Yellowstone National Park-Firehole-It is prime time on the Firehole river. PMD's in the late mornings have been catching trout in numbers. Also, white miller caddis are beginning to hatch in the evenings starting at around 4:00 p.m.. A great fly to use when the white caddiis are hatching is Jacklin's white caddis emerger. We are recieving great reports from the Firehole, even on those recent windy days. Gibbon-Evenings have been great on the Gibbon River with tan caddis and small stimulators. Hungry browns can be seen sipping caddis and mayflies against the banks so be careful where you walk. Madison-Salmonflies have ran through the Madison river in the park, but large trout are still readily eating the big bug. When the sun begins to set, a white miller caddis should prove productive to most fly fisherman. Nymph patterns like Jacklin's salmonfly, copper john, prince, are always great when there are no hatches. Yellowstone Lake- The best access to Yellowstone lake is without a doubt by a boat, but many fisherman are still having some luck casting lures and woolly buggers from shore. Woolly buggers in a size 8 or 6 should do the trick in olive, brown, black, or orange. Hebgen Lake-Most of the fish on hebgen are being caught with woolly buggers at this time in the mornings and evenings. Small hatches of midges are occurring before sunset, so a size 18 or 20 trico might just bring up some sipping trout. Trollers are having success trolling rapala's and large spoons. Between Hebgen and Quake- The best fishing by far will be in the evenings, but plenty of big browns and rainbows are being caught mid day. Nymphing is always a great way to fish this stretch, but orange stimulators in a size 10 have brought aggressive trout to the surface. The 3ft/sec. is currently 688. Below Quake-There hasn't been many great hatches yet on this stretch of the Madison river, but fish are still rising to orange and yellow stimulators in the last 30 minutes of light. Serendipities will work well trailing a stimulator, and salmonfly nymphs under an indicator. Henry's Lake- The fish continue to be scattered throughout the lake, but some are starting to congrigate near streams for the cooler water. They seem to be eating almost every color of woolly buggers in about 5ft of water. Trollers are using shallow rapala's, rooster tails, and large spoons.
Posted by Bob Jacklins Fly Shop at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Starting to Heat up!
Yellowstone National Park Firehole- The high water flow from last week is just starting to drop, giving the river more visability. Hatches of white miller caddis and PMDs are beginning to become more frequent on the Firehole. With this, active trout are found on the surface ready to rise to the perfect drift. Phesant tail soft hackles and olive woolly buggers are also a great way to fish for the healthy trout when there isn't a hatch occurring. Gibbon-Along with the Firehole, the Gibbon river is clearing up and water flow is coming down. Lately, fisherman have been having reoccurrung luck with size 16 pale morning duns in the late mornings. Also, stripping a brown or black woolly bugger along the banks is a good way to produce browns, and possibly get into a bigger fish. Madison-With the Firehole and Gibbon river running cleaer than last week, it allows the Madison to also become clear with lower water flow. Salmonflys are beginning to hatch on the grassy banks. A Jacklin's salmonfly or salmonfly nymph is a great way to start off your fishing venture. Small hatches of caddis have been seen in the evenings, but trout are not completely keyed in on them yet. Copper Bobs or serendipities are also flies that are having success in the late mornings and early evenings. Yellowstone Lake-The best fishing for Yellowstone Lake is from a boat or float tube along the drop off. This drop off is usually around 30 yards from shore. This is where hungry cutthroat and lake trout are found cruising for leeches or small baitfish. Woolly buggers in brown, black, olive, and purple are great imitations for those leeches and baitfish. Some spin fisherman are having luck casting jakes and various spoons. Montana Hebgen Lake-Healthy rainbows and browns are sporaticlly gulping small midges in the evenings along shorelines. For the most part, woolly buggers in brown, black, and orange are the best way to fish. Trollers continue to have luck near shorelines with rapalas or spoons. Also, jakes or panther martins are a good way to fish from shore. Madison Between Hebgen and Quake- This stretch of the Madison river continues to be the most popular for fly fisherman. Mostly nymphing is encouraged for the best success. Copper Bobs, Prince nymphs, serendipities, phesant tails, rock worms, and hares ears are producing quality fish. Madison below Quake- The water is still a little off color due to cabin creek and beaver creek running into quake lake. Fish are being caught on copper and olive serendipities following a size 6 Jacklin stonefly nymph. Henry's Lake-It seems like almost everyone is catching fish on Henry's lake but not in high quantities. Various woolly buggers are catching fish near the state park. Most of the fish are scattered throughout the lake due to the lake's water temperature and low weed beds. Past 10:00 a.m., it is wise to switch to smaller flies like scuds or smaller woolly buggers. Trollers are catching fish with shallow rapala's, large spinners, and spoons.
Posted by Bob Jacklins Fly Shop at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Fishing Report
Yellowstone National Park
Madison River- The Madison is currently high and off colored with the recent increase of water from the runoff. Browns are being caught near undercut banks with olive and black wolly buggers along with streamers. Size 14 copper serendipities have proven productive when trailing a Jacklin's salmonfly nymph mid day and in the late evenings.
Firehole River- Similar to the Madison, the Firehole is high and off colored but still worth the time of a passionate fly fisherman. Size 12 olive wolly buggers and size 14 phesant tail soft hackles are catchiing hungry trout.
Between Hebgen and Quake- This is the only stretch of the Madison that has clear water consistently flowing. Mid-day and evening indicator fishing has been the most productive way to find fish. Copper Bobs and rock worms are a great way to start your fishing venture.
Below Quake- The water is very dirty and may be difficult for a beginning flyfisherman to catch some fish. Although, fish are still being caught in slower moving pools with size 14 serendipities in copper, olive, and gold. Also, Jacklin's salmonfly nymph or a prince nymph are good ways of producing quality fish.
Hebgen Lake- Healthy rainbows and browns are aggressively taking brown, black, and olive wolly buggers in the mornings and evenings. On calm days, some trout might be found on the surface gulping small midges. Idicator fishing should begin to pick up soon with different patterns of chironomids. Trollers are having luck crusing the shorelines mid morning and evenings with rapalas and spoons.
Henry's Lake- Black, brown, olive, and purple wolly buggers are catching some trophy fish in Henry's Lake. Most of the fish are currently scattered throughout the lake but a good concentration of them can be found near the state park boat launch. The weeds are down so trollers are having success cruising the middle of the lake with spinners and spoons.
22 inch Brown recently caught on the Madison River
All of Bob Jacklin's flies can be found in Jacklin's flyshop
Yellowstone National Park's fishing regulations have changed in the past couple years. Please read the regulations carfully or stop by Jacklin's flyshop for further information.
Posted by Bob Jacklins Fly Shop at 3:30 PM 0 comments